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6 Ways I’ve Saved Money Recently


Ways to Save Money | Groupon, Plan to Eat, Sewing, DIY Haircuts, Swagbucks, Saving Money on Prescriptions | January Money SavingsI love finding new ways to save money! Whenever I see a list of ways to save, I can’t resist taking a look to see if there is an idea I haven’t thought of or tried yet.

I wanted to get extra real with you and share a few specific ways that I’ve saved money recently.

6 Ways I Saved Money in January

1. Hemmed Dress Shirts

I found an amazing deal on dress shirts for Austin at Sam’s Club a while back.

What I didn’t realize is that the shirts came with different sleeve lengths. A few of the shirts had comically long sleeves on them!

I had already taken all of the tags off and didn’t have the receipt, so I didn’t think I’d be able to return them.

I decided to try to hem the shirt sleeves so that Austin could still use them. It was a little tricky because of the cuffs and pleats.

I used this tutorial to help and they turned out great! I didn’t have to give up the shirts or pay for tailoring, so I definitely saved money!

2. Purchased Groupon to a Restaurant

I’m really getting into Groupon! There was a deal for one of our favorite restaurants and I got a $50 certificate for $25. How awesome is that?

There are a lot of deals in our area for chiropractors, so that’s the next deal I think I’ll be purchasing. I’ve been having neck issues.

I’ve also got my eye on some deals for duct cleaning and a furnace tune-up when we get our next house.

3. Sam’s Club Free Prescription

We pay for the more expensive Plus membership at Sam’s Club because they have the best price (by far) we’ve ever seen for Austin’s prescriptions. Their price is even better than what we would pay to go through our insurance.

Well, this month one of Austin’s medications was changed and the new one is actually free if you have a Plus membership!

4. Cut Austin’s Hair

I gave Austin a haircut this month.

I’ve been cutting his hair since we got married. My parents gave us a set of hair clippers as a gift years ago and they’ve come in handy over and over again. We also have a decent pair of hair scissors. The ones that come with hair clipper sets are junk, so it’s worth it to buy those separate.

At first, I just would buzz his head all the same length. Then, I started watching YouTube videos that showed how to do a simple men’s haircut. It’s really not that hard at all and saves us a great deal!

He gets compliments on his haircut fairly often, so I think I’m getting good 🙂

5. Planned Meals with Plan to Eat

I’ve used Plan to Eat to plan our meals and my grocery shopping list for the last few weeks.

I’ve done pretty well with my grocery budget because of it. Even better: We didn’t go over on our eat out budget because I knew what make for dinner each night! It definitely saved me money.

I really love Plan to Eat! I’m planning to purchase the year-long membership once my 30-day trial is done. You can read my full review/tutorial here or start your own free 30-day trial here.

6. Redeemed $10 in Swagbucks

I got to redeem a Swagbucks gift card this month!

I’m still deciding how to spend it, but I got $10 to Amazon. Not too shabby for not putting in much effort, right?

Related Posts:

17 Money Saving Swaps

10 Ways to Save Money Going Out to Eat

13 Secret to Saving Money on Food

⇒ How have you saved month in the last few weeks?

6 Ways I\'ve Saved Money Recently

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2 Simple Tips for Using Credit Cards Effectively - The (mostly) Simple Life

Monday 20th of February 2017

[…] 6 Ways I’ve Saved Money Recently […]

Erin | A Welder's Wife

Monday 13th of February 2017

Great job in saving money! I love that you hemmed a couple of shirts to save money. That is one thing that would be handy to learn!


Tuesday 14th of February 2017

Thanks! I do really well just finding tutorials online to figure out how to do something!


Wednesday 8th of February 2017

Way to go! I enjoy your blog.


Wednesday 8th of February 2017

Thanks Chris!