I am always working toward new financial goals. Over the 7 years I’ve been married, I’ve seen the amazing impact that working towards big financial goals has made in our lives:
- We bought our first house in our early 20s on one small income.
- We paid cash for Austin to get his associate’s degree so that he could change careers.
- Plus, we’ve weathered many emergency situations without having to stress about money.
Working at improving our financial situation is always worth it and has hugely affects our day to day lives.
While I’m thinking of exactly what to work on in 2018, I wanted to share some of the best personal finance posts from 2017: everything from budgeting, to saving money, to paying off debt.
We currently spend about $2500 per month. You can see our real budget right here.
Sidenote: One of the very best things you can do to start getting a handle on your finances is track your spending! You can download and print my free spending tracker printable and take action today!
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How to Spend Less & Save More
Money Saving Ideas
Making Money
⇒ I’d love for you to leave a comment about your current financial goals! What are you working on? If you have any questions for me, please just ask!!