Honoring the soul of someone you loved is not always easy. It’s never too late to honor their memory even if they’ve been gone for years. There are many ways to honor someone who has passed on. You can create a memorial in their name, write their obituary, donate to a cause they cared about or volunteer your time at a place that helped them when they were alive.

1. Create A Memorial In Their Name
You can create a memorial dedicated to your loved one at any place where you used to spend time together such as a park, beach, poolside, or cabin. To make the process even easier and more cherishable, you can do this with Green Meadow Memorials so that you can have an urn that you will cherish forever. Many people who have lost their loved ones go on to create a memorial for them by getting some type of plaque with their name on it and doing something like planting flowers around the plaque.
2. Write Their Obituary
Write an obituary for them in the local paper. This would be a great way to honor their memory if they were very involved in their community by writing their obit in the paper that reaches all over town. You could also mention what type of person they were, or how you will remember them. It’s like leaving behind words of comfort and love for other people who knew them, even if you’re not there to speak on your behalf anymore. Words are everlasting- especially when written down!
3. Donate To A Cause or Plant A Tree In Their Memory
Donating to an organization or charity that meant something special to your loved one is another great way to honor them. If they contributed money, time, or even services, then ask friends and family if anyone would be willing to continue where they left off in their memory. For example, if your friend was passionate about helping children with disabilities you can donate money to that charity in his memory because he put countless hours into helping those kids before he passed away. Planting a tree is another great way to honor someone’s memory because it makes for an everlasting memorial. You can plant a tree at any place that has special meaning to them- like the park where you shared your first kiss or the beach where you used to vacation together. Or if they liked things green and pretty then perhaps planting a tree somewhere in town would be good too. Some people even plant trees in places with historical significance or go on an eco-adventure and plant trees in areas that need more greenery!
4. Volunteer Your Time
If your loved one was passionate about a particular cause or charity then perhaps you can volunteer your time to continue what they started. Many people find it therapeutic and comforting to do good in memory of their loved one. What a wonderful way to honor their memory! Or, you can volunteer at the place that helped your loved one when they were sick, to help others who are experiencing what you went through.
5. Write Their Life Story
Another way you can honor the memory of a loved one is by writing their life story. You might not know where to start because there’s so much to write about them, but a friend or family member would be happy to help you write it. After all, they probably knew your loved one better than anyone else! This is an amazing way to preserve someone’s memory and share it with future generations as well as those who were closest to your loved one.
6. Speak At The Funeral Or Write A Eulogy
If your loved ones had a ceremony for themselves before they passed, then perhaps you’ll get the opportunity to speak at their funeral or write a eulogy to them. If this is something you’d like to do, then talk to the person who is in charge of their service and ask if you can speak on behalf of yourself or them. A eulogy is a wonderful way to show how much your loved one meant to you even if it’s years before they died. You could write about all the memories you shared that made you smile when you remembered them. A eulogy doesn’t have to be sad- it can be filled with funny moments too! No matter how hard it might be, embracing life for what it is today will help honor the memory of your loved one every day moving forward.

Although honoring someone’s memory may seem tough, these six ideas are surefire ways for you to keep them alive in your heart the way they deserve. Memorializing someone who has died isn’t easy, but it can be done in several ways that are special to that person or unique to you. There is no right or wrong way – only what’s perfect for you!