Are you busy? Like, all the time? Compared to other people, I know I’m not really all that busy, but even I have a crazy-long to do list with places to go, people to see. You know.
As a kid I remember sitting in the comfy chair in my room and reading for hours. I could finish a whole book in day or two (except if it was required reading from school, then it was torture).
But I don’t know any adults that have that kind of time on their hands. I still love to read though, and I have a list of books I’d like to read that is always getting longer.
I’ve figured out how to enjoy more books and still get done everything that needs to get done.
My “secret”? Audiobooks.
No, it’s not the quite the same as sitting and reading, but I’ve come to really enjoy listening to audiobooks while I work and do chores.
I think every kid likes to be read to, and listening to an audiobook is like being read to again. There are even some books that I prefer to listen to now because the reader is so good, it just makes the book come alive (yeah, Harry Potter Audiobooks!).
If you want to try getting things done while listening to a book, you can click the ad below to get 2 audiobooks for free by signing up for the Audible free trial from Amazon. You even get to keep your free audiobooks when the trial is over and they can be downloaded to almost any device.
So if you’ve never thought of all the things you can do while listening to a book, I’ve come up with a list.
I’ve done all of these things, and it’s a great way to being to squeeze more books into our busy lives!
Get More Done While Listening to Audiobooks:
Doing The Dishes
Why not listen to a book while you clean up the kitchen? I usually have a book downloaded to our iPad, so I just turn the volume up and empty and reload the dishwasher.
Cleaning The House
If I’m running around the house cleaning up, it’s a great time to turn on a book. If it’s downloaded to our iPad or iPod (we don’t have smartphones), I’ll either put in headphones and put the device in my pocket, or just turn it up and carry it room to room with me. I can clean the whole house in 1 chapter or less 🙂
Folding The Laundry
I always try to get the laundry done all in one day. I save up our clean clothes and fold them all at once in evening while either watching a show or listening to a book. It’s the perfect way to squeeze in 30+ minutes of listening.
A Meal Times
This is great for some family time if there is a book everyone can get in to! Sometimes my fella and I listen to a book together and it’s fun to listen while we eat dinner.
In Bed
I think we all know that you’re not supposed to be on computers or devices at bedtime because the light can make it hard to get to sleep. But honestly, who listens to that advice!
Listening to a book in bed is nice because you can be entertained for a little while without the dreaded “blue screen” that might keep you awake.
Most devices even have a timer you can set so that your book doesn’t keep playing all night if you happen to fall asleep.
We are totally on the adult coloring book train! If you haven’t tried it yet, you really need to. It’s fun, relaxing and an inexpensive hobby. The other night we sat at the table and colored while we listened to a book together. (restorehealthky.com)
We also have put together a puzzle while listening to a book. It keeps your mind engaged while your fingers are busy. And I’m all about spending a little less time in front of a TV or computer screen.
Doing Yard Work
This might seem a little weirder, but I’ve totally done yard work while listening to a book. I just turn the volume up or use a mini speaker (we have a mini speaker like this), and weed the flower beds or rake. The neighbors may think I’m a bit odd, but they’re all a bit odd too.
This might not be the best motivation for a really intense workout, but I love to listen to a book on a long walk or bike ride. It makes the time pass quickly and keeps your brain engaged. Plus, it’s a really easy way to sneak in another book.
At Work
I listen to most of my books at work. I work in an office and keep one earbud in to listen while I work. I get interrupted all the time, so I just quickly pause the book when I need to talk to someone. Obviously, not every job would allow you to listen to books while you work, but everyone has gotten used to me working while listening. Plus, it makes the day go by so much faster!
We’ve also found that our library has a program that lets you rent audiobooks that can be downloaded to any device. It’s all done online, so you don’t even need to go to the library. You might want to check and see if your library has a similar program.
⇒ Do listen to audiobooks? Which ones are your favorites?

Wednesday 1st of June 2016
Audio books are my go to during my commute to and from work! I like the other ideas you mention, but I honestly just haven't listened to audio books anywhere but in my car. I plan on doing this more in the future though!
Thanks Christine
Friday 15th of April 2016
Good suggestions! I have a library card, but haven't been in awhile and should really check out some audiobooks. Especially because I have some long car rides coming up!
Friday 15th of April 2016
Absolutely! Audiobooks keep me awake better on car rides than music does.
Carly @ FitLiving Eats
Thursday 14th of April 2016
I have yet to try audiobooks because I still like holding and flipping through the real thing, but it would definitely help me read more! Great idea!
Thursday 14th of April 2016
You should absolutely try it Carly!
Alexis @ Fitnancials
Thursday 14th of April 2016
I love listening to audiobooks during long road trips throughout the U.S. I find it difficult to listen to audiobooks during runs/workouts, though. My friend listens to books during her workouts and I can't understand how! Haha.
Thursday 14th of April 2016
We always try to find a book we can agree on for a long trip. I don't think I could do a really intense workout with an audiobook, but for a nice long walk or bike ride it's nice.
Wednesday 13th of April 2016
I have been thinking of checking out audible. I miss having the time to sit down and read a good book.
Wednesday 13th of April 2016
I still try to sit down and read sometimes before bed. I can read get through a lot more audiobooks though, and it's really fun to be read to :)