No matter how rich you are, real joy and happiness come from the people in your life. Your friends and family who are always by your side every step of the way. Their love is unconditional and their kindness neverending.
But oftentimes, we fail to tell them how much we appreciate them. Don’t you start brimming with warm fuzzies when a friend or your partner tells you how amazing you are? They want to hear the same too. Appreciating and empowering the people in your life not only strengthens your bond with them but also makes them feel special.
We’ve compiled a list of some amazing ‘You Are Amazing’ quotes for everyone in your life. Don’t wait for a special occasion now. Tell them today with these quotes.
You Are Amazing Quotes for Her

- Just so you know, you are the brightest star in the sky. Your kind energy radiates and wraps everything in its glow. You are amazing and I am eternally grateful to have met you.
- Everything else loses its luster in comparison to you. You are my joy, my comfort, and the reason for my smile. You are amazing and I wouldn’t trade you for anything in the world.
- Have I ever told you how happy I feel when I’m with you? Everything brightens up in your light, every worry fades away, and every piece of our story fits. You are amazing. You are loved.
- People may try to put you in a box but you are uniquely ‘YOU’ — an insanely talented and amazing human who makes the world a better place.
- You are the most amazing person I’ve met. Your smile, your mind, your aura, everything amazes me the just as it did the first time I met you.
- Never forget that your personality, your mind, your quirks make you, YOU. You are amazing and the only version of ‘YOU’ to exist in the whole universe.
- You are on my mind and in my heart wherever I go because no one is as special and amazing as you are.
- I wish I could tell the whole world how amazing you are and how lucky I am that you chose me.
- The whole world would be at your feet if it knew what I know — Your kindness, your confidence, your intelligence, and your general greatness at literally everything. You are amazing beyond words. Just hold on to your strengths today to carve yourself a path to success tomorrow.
- Do you realize how special you are? You make people laugh so effortlessly, lift others up unknowingly, and spread the love around selflessly. I wish I could be half as amazing you are.
You Are Amazing Quotes for Him

- You are the most amazing thing that’s ever happened to me. Your unwavering optimism, positive energy, and the will to make the seemingly impossible things possible make me fall in love with you all over again.
- My day starts with a gentle reminder that I am loved and it ends with the warm reassurance that tomorrow we will get to spend another day together. You are amazing and I love you.
- I look at you and I know that no matter how many chances I’m given at life, I wouldn’t have it any other way. As amazing as you are, why would I?
- Have faith in your abilities. Go with what your gut tells you and where your talents guide you. Soon you’ll find success and the haters eating their own words.
- You are worth so much more than you think. Stand tall, be proud, and know that you are the most magnificent person in the room.
- My favorite place to be is your amazingly warm lap.
- In case you forgot you’re my one in 7 billion. An amazing friend, a loving partner, and my most precious treasure.
- When you feel a little lost, just remember that someone supports, adores, and loves you to the moon and back.
- You deserve the sweetest kisses and toastiest hugs because you are amazing.
- Sometimes I can’t believe that fate brought me to you but I thank God every day that it did. You are my hero, my star, and everything that I ever dreamed of.
You Are Amazing Quotes for Mom

- You’re the strongest woman I know, mom. You show up every day with the biggest smile and the warmest hugs. You fill our home with your warmth and unconditional love. You give and give even at the times you need some love yourself. You are amazing and I love you so much.
- I know I don’t say this enough but you are my life’s sweetest gift. I will forever be grateful for everything you’ve taught me and all the love you’ve poured into me.
- Mom, you are amazing. Your care and compassion know no bounds.
- Nothing you’ve done has been forgotten. You’ve cooked us the most finger-licking meals, baked us the yummiest cupcakes, taught us the neatest tricks, and supported us through everything. You are amazing and no one can ever replace you.
- You gave me wings to fly and the courage to conquer the world. I wouldn’t have been where I am if it wasn’t for you, mom.
- You are my sunshine, my favorite storyteller, my biggest cheerleader, and my most trusted shopping buddy. Every time I look at you, my heart fills up with love. Just know that I’ll always be there for you just as you have for me.
- Yours has been the purest love I have and will ever experience in this life. You’re amazing, mom.
- One of the many things I love about you is your free spirit and cheerful energy. Please don’t ever change, mom. You are amazing the way you are.
- You will always be a superhero in my eyes, the wind beneath my wings, and the source of my strength. I am so proud of being my brave mom’s daughter.
- No one can ever be as amazing as you are, mom. You’re kind, caring, compassionate, and the bravest woman I know.
You Are Amazing Quotes for Dad

- You’re the greatest dad in the whole wide world. Throughout my whole life, I can’t remember a day when you haven’t loved, supported, and guided me.
- I am grateful for the sacrifices you’ve made, the adventures you’ve taken me on, and the lessons of courage you’ve taught me. You are amazing, dad.
- You hold me when I cry, pick me up when I fall, and swell with pride when I succeed. You are my amazing superhero.
- You made me believe that I was worth it. You made me believe that I could accomplish anything that I set my mind to. You helped me climb mountains and cross seas. I am where I am only because of you, dad. You are amazing.
- You will always be the man I love the most, dad. Thank you for being so wonderfully amazing.
- Thank you for believing in me and standing by my side when no one else would. You are amazing, dad.
- Do you know what amazes me the most about you? The way you keep calm in the face of chaos and make the right decisions at the right moments. You are my champion, dad.
- No one has protected me like you. No one has lifted me up like you and absolutely no one has loved me like you even when I was at my weakest. You aspire me to be the best version of myself.
- I am proud to say that I am raised by the greatest man in the world.
- Do you know what I see when I look at you? I see a bottomless sea of love and a life spent nurturing my dreams and fulfilling every one of my desires. Even if I wanted to I could never repay you for all that you’ve done for me. Thank you, dad, for being the reason for my being.
You Are Amazing Quotes for Friends

- You have no reason to compare yourself to anyone because you are amazing.
- You are amazing simply for hanging in there and holding on, no matter how hard things get! And for moving forward no matter how scared you are or how anxious you feel. Yep, you are awesome. – Karen Salmansohn
- In the world of superficial relationships and hollow connections, you are the only one with the purest heart and the most genuine soul that gives more than it receives. You are an amazing friend and I’m honored to be yours.
- You’ve been with me through every adventure, every heartbreak, every failure, and every joy. You are my constant and my forever. You are my amazing friend from who I’d never dream of being apart.
- I have lost many people who I called friends along the way. But the connection I share with you is like no other. With you, I am more myself, more courageous, and more confident. With you, I laugh more, I live more, and I know I can do anything. Thank you for being such an amazing friend.
- I will always treasure your sincerity and willingness to go the extra mile for friendship. I can’t believe I found a friend as amazing as you.
- Do you know why we’re inseparable? Because your craziness matches mine.
- The most amazing friend is the one who supports you fiercely and thinks that you deserve the world.
- You are the only person who never wanted anything other than my company. You will always be my number one friend. I love you.
- In case you forget to remind yourself this morning — you are amazing, your smile lights up the room, your mind blows me away, and your personality shines brighter than the stars. You are amazing, my sweet friend.
You Are Amazing Quotes for Colleagues

- You are the person I look up to. Your determination, drive, and discipline are something I aspire to replicate in my life too.
- There will never be such a thing as Monday blues as long as I have a colleague as amazing as you.
- You are one of the smartest people I have ever worked with. Your command on skills, confidence, and leadership have you bound for great things ahead.
- When the deadlines seem to pile up, when meetings feel neverending, and late shifts become frequent, you are the only reason I stay sane and smile through it all. You’re amazing and so much more than a colleague.
- Even on the toughest days, I know I can count on one amazing co-worker that is you.
- It’s not every day that you meet someone so incredibly talented, dedicated, and passionate about his craft. You’ve inspired me to do things I didn’t believe I could. Thank you for being absolutely the best co-worker ever.
- The day I first met you, I knew you were destined for greatness. You’re so amazing. Any business would be lucky to have you on board.
- In the corporate world infested with politics, you are the only genuine person I know. You always stood by my side, supported me through tough times, and guided me when no one did. Thank you for being so amazing.
- You have always pushed me to do better, encouraged me to dream bigger, and inspired me to reach my goals. Only a few are lucky enough to have an amazing colleague like you.
- You have made work life easier for me. You’re the best mentor I’ve ever had. Thank you for supporting me, my dear colleague.