Exciting news! Today I’m over at Erin’s blog, A Welder’s Wife, answering questions about minimalism and simple living.
I’d love for you to stop over there and read the post. Erin asked me some great questions about my journey to living simply and how I deal with clutter and excess stuff.
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A Welder’s Wife Q&A
Here’s a preview of what’s going on:
“Q: How has minimalism changed your life?
A: Good question! Our house is calm and peaceful with less clutter and fewer belongings. It’s rare that I lose something because I know where everything is. We don’t spend much money shopping because we don’t buy something unless we need it. (https://safeanimalshelter.com) We have time to develop other hobbies because we don’t let shopping become a hobby and we don’t have that much to clean and take care of.”
⇒ What did you think of her article? What are your thoughts on minimalism and trying to simplify your possessions? Do you have any other questions for me that weren’t asked?
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Wednesday 30th of March 2016
I really enjoyed your interview. Andrea is my favorite blogger too. :) I have been decluttering lately. My husband is more on board than he used to be. He really loves stuff. It causes me so much stress. I wish I could relay to him how much. :)
Wednesday 30th of March 2016
Thanks Christine! My husband likes his little collections, so I try to be ok with most of it. He's understanding more and more how much I can't relax when there's clutter though. It's a bit of a learning process for each of us!
Erin @ A Welder's Wife
Friday 25th of March 2016
I'm so glad you decided to participate in my 20 Questions Series! It was so much fun learning and reading about your story!
Erin | www.awelderswife.com
Friday 25th of March 2016
Thanks so much Erin! It was fun to do! Can't wait to read who's next.