A great way to buy yourself extra time in the morning is to develop some strategies that help you get dressed faster. The whole getting dressed process can be quite the time-suck.
If you find yourself staring into your closet, wondering what to wear, or digging through piles of clean or dirty clothes to find the right top, give some of the ideas below a try.
These strategies will help you get out the door quickly and take some of the ‘frantic’ out of your morning.
5 Strategies to Help You Get Dressed Faster in the Morning
Check the Weather
If you live somewhere with dicey weather (We’re supposed to have snow, rain, and a day that’s 70 degrees this week) check the weather in the evening for the next day.
Knowing what the weather will be helps me plan what I’ll wear. It also keeps me from having to change my outfit at the last minute when I realize it’s much colder out that I expected.
Pick Out Clothes the Night Before
It takes me about 30 seconds to pick out my clothes for the next day each evening. For some reason, if I wait to pick out my clothes in the morning it takes for.ev.er. My morning brain isn’t ready to make decisions and I certainly don’t want to use up any of my decision making power for the day on my outfit.
Each night, I check the weather, pick out my clothes and lay them on my dresser. It takes me seconds to get dressed each morning.
I even lay out my socks and underwear so that I’m not digging through drawers to grab them. If I’ll be leaving the house, I make sure I know what shoes I’ll wear with the outfit. Don’t forget to choose your jewelry as well!
Take Photos
When you have an outfit you like, take a picture of yourself and save that photo in an “outfits” album on your phone. When you’re not sure what to wear, you can look back at some great outfits you’ve worn before and recreate them.
This means you can quickly grab your clothes and know that you’ll look and feel great.
Use Outfit Formulas
I’m a big fan of outfit formulas. They’re easy, like a uniform, but allow for more variety.
I buy only gray or black yoga pants and leggings so that I can use my favorite work-at-home outfit formula: black or gray comfy pants + solid colored top + a sweater/fleece if it’s cold. Nope, I don’t dress classy to work at home but it’s comfy and quick 🙂 Real life y’all!
Other great outfit formulas:
Jeans + Graphic T-Shirt + Fabulous Earrings.
Black or Gray Dress Pants + Blouse or Tank Top +Cardigan.
Patterned Skirt + Solid Colored Top + Cute Necklace.
You might have a basic outfit formula you use all the time without realizing it!
I’ve been trying to only buy black or gray solid colored bottoms (shorts, skirts, pants…) because I know that it makes pulling an outfit together easy for me. For going out, my work at home outfit formula usually just gets stepped up a bit and turns into: Black Corduroys + Solid Colored Top + Duster Sweater.
Wear Dresses
Dresses are amazing. You look completely put together and like you put in some effort while actually putting in the least amount of effort possible :). It’s one piece! No mixing and matching tops and bottoms.
I get compliments every time I wear a dress and I think to myself “I was actually just feeling lazy and this was easy”.
For cold weather, I keep some pairs of black tights and leggings to wear under dresses. In the summer, it’s even easier. Dress + Sandals = adorable outfit! It really doesn’t get much faster.
I adore my dresses from eShakti. They were custom made to fit my extra long torso and I customized the style too. It’s almost impossible to find dresses with sleeves, so I love that I can take their designs and make them to my taste. You can read my review and tips for ordering from eShakti here.
For everyday life, I use the strategies of laying out my clothes at night and sticking with an outfit formula. When my alarm goes off (after I’ve pressed snooze once or twice) I can jump roll out of bed and be dressed in one minute.
If we’re going out, I love to wear dresses. They’re practically effortless and look so put together.
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⇒ Does picking out an outfit in the morning take you forever? What are some of your “get ready fast” strategies?