Socks that last a lifetime and the best cup of coffee… That’s some of what I’m loving and talking about in this “favorite things” post.
Every once in awhile I stumble across something amazing and think, why did no one tell me about this sooner?
I adore when bloggers share some of their favorite things. I have discovered quite a few awesome products because of favorite things posts, which is why I decided to do my own. You can look at my winter favorite things here.
I’m not being paid by anyone to talk about these items, by the way.
As always, the links may be affiliate links, which just means that I may make a slight commission if you make a purchase through that link. You can read my full affiliate disclosure in the sidebar.
My Favorite Things: Spring 2017 Edition
Pour Over Coffee Dripper
Austin started drinking coffee daily at home about a year ago. We’ve never had a coffee maker since neither of us drank coffee very often. We just had a jar of instant coffee (that really wasn’t bad) that we pulled out for guests or when we wanted a cup.
Once Austin started drinking coffee regularly, he started wanting a coffee maker. I was hesitant to get one because I didn’t want another appliance on our counter and I wan’t sure if it would get a ton of use.
He ended up finding a pour over coffee dripper that you set on top of a mug to make a single cup of coffee.
This little thing actually makes amazing coffee! Like, really good. The coffee isn’t bitter at all and because it doesn’t use a paper filter, the oil from the coffee beans gets through which makes it even better.
Austin, his sister (who lives with us), and I all use it on a daily basis to make coffee when we get up and it’s held up perfectly over the last year.
Ours just makes one cup at a time, but there are larger pour over coffee drippers that can make multiple cups at once.
I love that I don’t have an extra appliance sitting on the counter, I don’t have to buy filters for it, and I’ve started drinking a cup of coffee every morning because it’s so good!
Buy Me Once + Darn Tough Socks
When it comes time to replace items in our home, I’ve been trying to purchase quality items that will last a very long time, even if they cost a bit more.
I stumbled across this amazing website called that helps you find brands that create quality products that are meant to last forever (so you only have to buy it once – get it?).
Many of the brands even offer a lifetime guarantee. There’s clothing, toys, kitchenware, etc.
When I was on this site, I discovered Darn Tough. They make socks that have a lifetime guarantee! How crazy is that?
I usually buy pretty cheap socks and they only last about a year before they get holes, which drives me nuts because even cheap socks aren’t that cheap.
Darn Tough socks are pricey, but for offering a lifetime guarantee, I had to try them.
My parents got me a pair for Christmas and I have to say, they’re pretty amazing! They’re comfortable and definitely durable. They come in a lot of different styles and colors and I love mine so far! I think I’ll be slowly adding to my collection of long-lasting socks.
Mozzie’s No Pull Harness
I’ve used to same harness on Mozzie for years and I love it.
We’ve always used a harness instead of attaching his leash to his collar because I don’t like the idea of anything tugging on his throat. I’m glad we did this because as he got a bit older, we realized that he has a collapsing trachea (it sounds worse than it is), and I’m glad we’ve never added any extra pressure to his neck.
I actually bought and returned multiple harnesses when he was a puppy because they were hard to adjust the size on or hard to get him into.
I ended up getting a no pull mesh harness that is super easy to get on him. You tighten the cord after he steps into it, so it fits perfectly every time.
He’s never been much of a puller, but I can easily stay in control of him if he lunges for something while we’re out, without hurting him. Plus, I think he’s super cute in it 🙂
Mozzie’s harness is easily our most often used dog accessory. People ask me about it all the time and I definitely recommend it.
The Total Money Makeover
I read The Total Money Makeover years ago and just read it again last week. I picked up a copy at a thrift store for a few bucks and I’m glad I did.
Dave Ramsey has some solid financial advice and lays out seven baby steps for getting out of debt, saving for retirement, and building wealth.
It’s such a quick read and is really motivating. Throughout the book are stories of people who are working through his plan and have paid off huge amounts of debt.
Reading this again got me really fired up to pay off the small car loan we took out. While I don’t agree 100% with everything Ramsey says, I think his plan is really great and keeps things simple.
If you’re in a rough financial situation or feel like you make a decent amount of money but have nothing to show for it, you should absolutely take a look at The Total Money Makeover.
Mini Flashlights
This is kind of a silly little thing, but we have a mini LED flashlight and it’s just so handy. These little guys are cheap and super bright.
We keep ours by the door so that we can always find it when we need it. It fits easily in a pocket if we’re going to be out for a walk while it’s getting dark out. I always throw it in my backpack when we go to the beach so we can find our way back to the car after sunset.
They’re inexpensive, tiny, and just so convenient. I want to get a few more so that we can replace the chunky flashlight we keep in our car and stash some in other places.
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⇒ Your turn! What are some of your favorite things lately?

Monday 10th of April 2017
Your one cup coffee solution is great! Also the flashlight ideas. What I think is cool is that we have a solar powered flash light at home! We just keep it by a window to keep it fully charged. I love that I don't ever have to worry about buying batteries for it.
Monday 10th of April 2017
Ooo, I've never seen a solar powered flashlight. That's super cool! We had a wind-up one once but it didn't work very well and would only work while you were constantly winding it :) I'm going to look for a solar one!