Meal planning can feel very challenging if you have never done it before and don’t know how to start. Planning all of your meals for an entire week? Pfeeew, that sounds kinda hard, doesn’t it?
It doesn’t have to be.
Here are several weekly meal planning printables that are FREE and EASY to download, and will help make planning your meals easier – every week. The best part about these planners is that you can see in one single glance all of the meals that we can make for the week.
Weekly Meal Planning Printables (Image, PDF or Excel Formats)
Simply click on the image to view the meal planner printable in full-size, or lickc the “PDF” and “Excel” download links just below each image.

If you want more space for your shopping list or notes, this meal planner below includes a long list that you can use to take grocery shopping and plan your meals for the whole week:

Kids-Friendly Weekly Meal Planner Printables
Make meal planning a family-friendly activity with these fun meal planner printables. These printables are available for download for personal use in your household only, and can NOT be used for distribution or commercial use.
Simply click on each image to view the full size and print.