There’s a shared belief between comedians that either everything can be funny or nothing can be funny.
We hope this collection of the world’s best Mexican jokes confirms that “everything can be funny”. We kept them short, sweet and a little spicy!
“We must be able to laugh at each other so long as afterwards, we actually respect each other.“
Remember, these silly jokes are truly meant in good fun. Don’t feel ashamed about laughing because at some point you’ll surely be the target in a future joke collection!
1. To Warm Up, A Few Funny Mexican Memes
Before looking at our funniest Mexican jokes leaderboard, we wanted to show you a few exclusive memes that we think you will love:

The Juan jokes are some of the next Mexican jokes. We have a few hilarious ones on this page. For example:

We all know who the richest man is in the US, but who is the richest Mexican?

View the rest of our Mexican memes: World’s 41 Funniest Mexican Memes or keep reading to view our best all-time Mexican jokes!
2. The Funniest Mexican Jokes (All-Time Leaderboard)
- 268Shipment from MexicoThe US President hears that the largest manufacturing facility for condoms in the US is no longer functional for a full month. His advisers inform him that there is only 1 week of supplies left in the US, and Americans are likely to be furious about this and take it out on him. Desperate, the US President decides to call his Mexican counterpart to ask for a favor: "We need at least 10 million condoms within a week, can you please send us a shipment?". To avoid embarrassment, the president asks for "10-inch" length. A few days later, he receives the shipment from Mexico. All the inventory is there and all pieces are 10-inch in length, as requested. But each piece is marked: "Made in Mexico. Size: Small".
- 213
- 209American tourist in a Mexican rodeoAn American tourist visits Mexico and goes to a rodeo. After the event, he goes to the venue's restaurant. Since a bullfight was just over during the rodeo, the waiter recommends fresh testicles that have just been cooked. The tourist, interested in trying something new, agrees to order them. It turns out, they were delicious, tender and full of flavor. Quite a unique experience. A few months later, he returns to the same place with a friend. Interested in sharing this experience with his friend, the tourist brings him to the same restaurant: "They have this local dish that is amazing - you should try it out!". However, when served the new dish, the testicles dish is nowhere close to being as good as what he was served the first time around. The testicles are much smaller, not as flavorful and much drier. When asking the waiter about it, the waiter responds "Well... Senor, it's pretty rare but sometimes the bull wins the fight".
- 206
- 2033 female students in a Mexico prisonThree female students decide to vacation in Mexico. They abuse the Tequila shots, pass out and wake up in jail, having no clue what happened the previous night. But they find out that they will be executed on the electrical chair... The first student to go on the electrical chair, states "I am a student at Texas Christian University, and believe that god will save me". The Mexican warden turns on the switch but nothing happens. Astounded, the warden thinks this is a sign of god, and sets her free... The second student goes on the electrical chair, and states "I am a student at New-York Law School, and believe in the power of justice. As an innocent woman, I believe I will be saved." The warden flips the switch but again nothing happens, and he sets her free too... Finally, the last student goes in and states "I am a student at the Electrical Engineering School at Ohio State, and I'll just let you know that you won't be able to electrocute anyone if you don't plug that chair in."
- 193How do you get an ambulance in Mexico?Call Nine-Juan-Juan.
- 191One day, a man crossed over the USA border seeking better living conditions for his family. Then he was forced to go back.
... Then he was forced to go back to his job as a Senator from Texas. ...
- 189A Mexican magician gets on stage......and announces to the audience “I will now disappear on the count of three. Uno. Dos . . .” and then he disappeared without a "trace".
- 185Why did God NOT have Jesus in Mexico?Because he could not find a virgin and 3 wise men.
- 184Best Mexican songs of all timeDo you know the best Mexican songs of all time? Baby Juan More Time, Another Juan Bites the Dust, Taco Chance on Me, Some Juan to Love.
- 177Why did God give Mexicans noses?So they have something to pick in the winter.
- 177Why did only a couple of thousand mexican soldiers show up for the Alamo battle?
Because they only had 3 vans.
- 174Why do Mexicans never win the gold model at the Olympics?Because everyone who knows how to jump, run and swim has already made it to the United States.
- 173What do you say to your nosey Mexican neighbor?That’s nacho business!
- 167How did a mexican girl get pregnant?Her university professor told her to do an essay (ése means homeboy or dude in Mexican slang)
- 165Why don’t you ever trust a taco chef with your secrets?Because they always spill the beans!
- 163Why do mexicans wear pointed boots?Because it makes it a lot easier to climb over a fence.
- 160What’s a Mexican’s favorite classic novel?Te-quil-a Mockingbird.
- 160Why did this Mexican guy freak out?He was battling His-panic attacks.
- 158Did you hear about the four-car pileup in Mexico city?45 people died.
- 151What is the difference between a mexican and a drawer?A drawer has papers.
- 146Never play Uno with a Mexican.They hoard all the green cards.
- 145Why did the Mexican guy buy a mousetrap?He needed te-quil-a mouse.
- 142I wanted to visit my Mexican friend, but...... when I knocked on his door, no Juan was there.
- 142Why do Mexicans have movie streaming services?So they can Netflix and chili.
- 137Mexicans love the "Star Wars" moviesNo wonder. Their favorite characters are Obi Juan Kenobi and Juan Solo.
- 135There is a big Mexican party tonight.And everyJuan is going.
- 135What do you call a cross between an octopus and a Mexican?I don't know, but it sure can pick a lot of oranges.
- 133What did the mexican say to the house that just fell on him?Get off me home’s.
- 133This Mexican woman kept talking to meBut I told her "I’m nacho friend"
- 132How do Mexicans typically solve relationship problems?They taco-bout it.
- 131How many Mexicans does it take to screw in a lightbulb?Just Juan (one)
- 125Mexican and black jokes are pretty much the same.When you've heard Juan, you've heard Jamal ('em all)
- 124
- 124What's the difference between Jesus and a Mexican?Jesus doesn't have a tattoo of a Mexican.
- 123What do you call a short Mexican?A paragraph. Because he's not as big as an 'essay' (ése is the equivalent of "dude" in Mexican slang).
- 122
- 122
- 121Why did this Mexican family only have 12 people in their van?Because they needed room to bring the groceries back.
- 119What is a mexican favorite sport?Cross-country.
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- 116
- 116Why do Mexicans have tamales for Christmas?Because that will give them something to unwrap.
- 116What do you call a short Mexican?A paragraph because they're not full ese!!
- 113Do you know the difference between a hispanic and a stoner?The stoner has papers.
- 113
- 112Who is the wealthiest man in Mexico?Jeff Pesos.
- 111Why do Mexicans keep wheels of cheese in the back of their trucks?In queso emergencies.
- 109What do they call Santa Claus in Mexico?Ho-Ho-Jose!
- 107How do Mexicans drink soda?They drink soda in Mexi-cans
- 104What do you call a Mexican old man?Señor Citizen.
- 101My friend’s girlfriend unexpectedly became pregnantSo my friend has been thinking about a new name for a few days now. He finally decided to call himself Juan and to run away to Mexico.
- 97How can you tell a Mexican is r@cist?He joined the que-que-que (k-k-k)
- 92What do you call two Mexicans playing basketball?A game of Juan on Juan
- 90Why can’t Mexicans become firefighters?They can’t tell the difference between Jose and Hose B. (Hose A and Hose B)
- 87What’s the difference between Mexicans and French people?French people say "Oh la la", and Mexicans say just "Ho-la"
- 84What do you call stoned Mexicans?Baked beans.
- 72What do you call four Mexicans stuck in quicksand?Quatro sink-o.
- 69What do you get when you cross a Mexican with a country singer?5Arriba McEntire!
- 16
“It’s ok to laugh at each other sometimes, as long as after all the ignorant jokes, we actually respect each other.”
3. Other Funny Mexican Memes
Jokes are good, but we have put together for you a ton of memes. Let’s start with a couple of “Juan” jokes because we never get tired of these for some reason:

Of course, immigration is going to be a topic for a lot of good memes:

What borders on stupidity?
Mexico and Canada… 🙂

We love Mexicans because they are so hard-working. But of course, you will still find a few good job-related Mexican jokes – in good fun.

We are really thankful to Jesus.

Mexican food is the best!

Click here to view our World’s 41 Funniest Mexican Memes or keep scrolling for more Mexican jokes and funny comedian videos with Mexican jokes.
Joke: A man sees a Mexican book store and decides to go inside because he’s never been to a Mexican book store before. He asks the owner “Do you have the Trump book on his foreign policies with Mexico?”
The owner responds “F*ck off – you get out and you stay out”.
The man responds “Yes!, that’s the one!”.
4. The Funniest Mexican Jokes VIDEOS 😂😂😂
If you enjoyed our leaderboard of Mexican jokes, you will enjoy this video selection even more.
I Love Mexicans! Loco Comedy Jam.
We also recommend this quick comedy video – “I love Mexicans!”:
Diego gets mugged
Diego gets mugged by a prejudiced thief. but Diego is just as prejudiced:
Mexican Jokes by Juan (Video)
Our own Juan is going to run you through rapid-fire Mexican jokes from his beach in Cancun. Watch this 2-minute video featuring some of the best Mexican jokes:
Comedy Time: That Mexican Look
Asian-American John Wynn, jokes about himself: “You know you have to get into a diet when you eat yourself into a new ethnicity. That is not good. I either look like a fat Asian guy. or a regular Mexican.”
The Mexican R*cist Gift Basket (Gabriel Iglesias)
Gabriel Iglesias shares his experience in Mobile, Alabama, where someone in his audience gave him… a gift basket.
5. Best Mexican Jokes Shared on Social Media
Below is a selection of the best memes and jokes shared on social media:

Let’s End in Style with More Mexican Jokes

6. Jokes about the Mexican Wall
Joke: Over the past few years, since Trump first talked about building the wall between Mexico and the United States, there has been an increase in depression among Mexicans. Mexican psychotherapists have reported that many Mexicans will never get over it.

Trump’s wall will cost $21 billion. NASA, the US space exploration agency, only has a budget of $19 billion. But this makes sense: Mexico has more aliens.
When Trump Visited Mexico…
Mexican actress Ana Brenda recommended that Mexican president blocks Trump at the border (“Come on, Mr. President (Mexican), make the migration joke and do not let him enter, and you will be a national hero”).
Venga señor presidente, hágale la bromita en migración de que no entra a México y será héroe nacional 😂 #TrumpEnMexico
— Ana Brenda (@anabreco) August 31, 2016
7. Jokes About Mexican Cartels

A Mexican cartel decides to send a blonde woman to Colombia to get a pack of coke…

Keep Laughing:

Why are Mexicans crossing the border 2 at a time? Because there’s a No Trespassing sign.
Why was the short Mexican having difficulty cutting his pizza. He couldn’t find his Little Caesars.
What did they tell the Mexican weightlifter when he came into the sports store? No Whey Jose!

Ready for more Mexican humor? Discover the “Mexican Words of The Day” Memes.
‘The “Mexican Word of the Day” meme is a humor-based meme format that plays on words to create puns. The memes present a regular everyday English word, and humorously reinterprets it in the context of a stereotypical Spanish-speaking scenario. View our Top 40 “Mexican Word of the Day” memes.