We love all things Mexican and celebrate the culture including of course its delicious food. Don’t forget the margaritas or tequila shots which many can attest has affected their decision making process at the company holiday party. Nacho best behavior (see what I did there?).
Most of all, we’re in awe of how Mexicans colorfully use English words in ways we never expected. Savor these crazy play on words made famous by our favorite southern neighbors.
*** IMPORTANT: Discrimination toward people may create significant consequences for their well-being – the jokes on this page are meant to be in good fun – please always remain respectful ***

(say something if “you see” something…)

(“I smelled her” breath half a block away)

(I’m going “to teach you” how to parallel park)

(I “lie very” well)

(She had to get to work – or in this case, work might have involved some twerking indeed)

Someone took off their shoes!

(She was always in the kitchen)

(I been a “d*ck” to her throughout the marriage)

(They be drinking “and b*tching about everything.)

(But actually I was faking!)

(There is not “much room” for luggage)

(How “dare he!”)

(I not “have an arrow!”)

(If I “catch you” with another skank…)

(to be “all up in your” business.)
By the way, remember when Juan was the new employee and people made fun of because he smelled like a burrito and sounded funny? All those times when you asked him “Hey, are you number Juan or Number 2?” Well he’s now at a higher level than you because while you were laughing, he was working his cojones off and climbing the ladder of success. Here’s more absurdly silly memes to keep you further distracted from doing any work.

(Can “you believe” she never got a 2nd interview…)

(“Jesus Christ! I should’ve checked…)

(I demanded that my wife keep “her eyes on” the stove!)

(I “seen your” wife without make up…)

(It’s not good on “the liver”)

(I told him “this go” here and “this go” there!)

(“I cannot pee” with so many flies around)

(When my wife forgot “to pay” for her new wig)

(Grandma decided “she can” use her own finger…)

(If only this “b*tch would” shut up for one minute)

(Every time I eat at your mama’s house, “I throw” up later)

(because never “covered” his mouth)

(Why do “you smell” like expired milk?)

(Within an hour, “I sh*t” on myself).

(Each time “she said” no).

(I don’t know “what her” issue is).
We hope that you are enjoying these outrageously ridiculous Mexican Word of The Day memes. For those having difficulty, no worries just ask your nearest Hispanic friend (or yard worker extraordinaire) for help. It’s NACHO problem that your parents were first cousins. Keep scrolling for more “Mexican Word of the Day” memes or read our top Mexican Jokes and Mexican Memes.

(I “wanna” hold your hand).

(If you don’t “watch” your stop)

(I am sure “you lie”).

(“I earn” less money than expected.)

(So “we’ll share”.)

(“She’s the” one for me!)

(“You make” a mess of things!)

(I “wouldn’t” use that…)

(“His panic” attacks)