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43 Funniest Mental Health Memes To Shine a Brighter Light Today


With the pandemic fizzling out and life returning to some minor semblance of normalcy, mental health issues remain on the rise amongst people, young and old. 

While memes are hardly a cure-all, at the end of the day, we can find comfort in humor and laughter. These memes shed light upon some of the darkness surrounding mental health issues, and we hope they’ll brighten your day!

Note: Call 911 if you or someone you know is in immediate danger or go to the nearest emergency room.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: Call 1-800-273-TALK (8255); En español 1-888-628-9454

Crisis Text Line: Text “HELLO” to 741741. The Crisis Text hotline is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week throughout the U.S. The Crisis Text Line serves anyone, in any type of crisis, connecting them with a crisis counselor who can provide support and information.

Every now and then, you end up in a room full of toxic people. This makes it difficult to heal, and you find the need to protect yourself.

mental health meme with bad vibes

Sometimes, those people can even give some ridiculous suggestions to “help” you…

depression meme with yoga
mental health meme with frowning child
mental health meme with angry child
Mental health meme about misconceptions

Because, at the end of the day, yoga and nature can’t fix all of the issues that exacerbate your mental health, and your problems are 100% real.

depression meme with panda

Of course it’s always easier to provide advice than following your own advice:

mental health meme with everything on fire
depression meme with cat and mouse
mental health meme with banana

While some of this is just due to overwhelming factors in life, a lot of it is due to your brain’s chemistry.

depression meme about serotonin

Money certainly can’t help that much. In particular when I am very good at making poor spending decisions.

burger purchased with extra money meme

And how is 2023 going for you so far?

funny meme with sinking boat called "no worries"

A few things might be going with me:

meme listing DiCaprio throwing away money with all the things that could be better
depression meme about dopamine

This also results in a lot of weird habits and personal quirks:

mental health meme about having trouble sleeping
mental health meme about hyperfixations
Mental health meme about empty calories
depression meme with multiple emotions

Sometimes it would be nice if happiness could last a little longer:

Mental health meme about melatonin
depression meme about hydration
mental health meme with monster
mental health meme about Netflix
Mental health meme with old woman and plants
meme about snaping out of depression

Sometimes, people really struggle to understand why you feel so down…

depression meme about parties
mental health meme with melting Jake the dog
mental health meme about stress
Mental health meme with Willy wonka

Other times, you really struggle with coping strategies…

Depression meme with pingu
depression meme with Homer Simpson
depression meme about door handle
anxiety meme with monkey
depression meme about pharmacy

You develop a good working relationship with your therapist… Eventually, anyway!

Mental health meme with Ralph
mental health meme about therapist
depression meme with lasers
Depression meme where it's gotten worse

And, even with therapy, there will still be bad days…

mental health meme with sad woman
mental health meme with bane

And, sometimes, on the road to healing, you even become a bit suspicious…

depression meme about suspicion
Mental health meme with Fry

But you can often find joy and support in those who DO understand you.

Mental health meme - you got me there
mental health meme with goosebumps
mental health meme with Spongebob and Squidward
mental health meme with Joker and Pennywise clowns
mental health meme with dog

And, eventually, you’re able to do what you need to do in order to best take care of yourself.

mental health meme about leaving toxic people
me figuring things out after a session with my therapist

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