It’s been a few years since the Trump memes have trickled in, but we cannot forget the legacy of #45. Let’s have a look at the funniest Donald Trump jokes & Donald Trump memes – with a few just added in February 2023
The Best Trump Memes

You might love him.
You might hate him.
Heck, you might not even know how to feel about him.
The fact of the matter remains that the man has made an impact upon our culture forever, be it positive or negative. The following memes capture the many sides of Donald J. Trump and will, without a doubt, bring a smile to your face.

Sometimes, people’s criticism of his intelligence is pretty warranted, such as when he looked directly into a solar eclipse, despite having the appropriate eyewear to protect his vision:

His basic understanding of government ins and outs also are a little suspicious:

Frankly, we cannot excuse the fact that some of our interactions with him via the media have left us scratching our heads, particularly with his navigation of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Beyond this, clearly, the man has had quite an indelible mark upon us with the situations surrounding his presidency.

Many people hate Trump — some of these folks often compare him to a Cheeto, due to his fake tan.

When asked why they dislike him (fake tan aside), many would argue it has to do with how he — when appearing in public — comes across as completely ignorant or unintelligible.
Some might argue that The Wizard of Oz could help Trump out by giving him a brain (in The Wizard of Oz, the “mindless” Scarecrow teams up with Dorothy hoping that The Wizard will give him a brain):

Some might argue that he doesn’t have very good control of the vitriol that escapes his mouth; since his mouth is often compared to “a tiny bvtthole,” it could even be said that his mouth could utilize a thorough deep wash, aka an enema:

His sensitivity, certainly, did not and does not help in how people view him.

It was also just a bit too easy to take his interactions with others and turn them into memes based upon what we know of him.

His severe expression, often, resulted in a few of these blunders…

Other times, his history of saying pretty ridiculous things resulted in some unsavory memes, especially when the right photo was taken at the right time.
Related post: Best 100 Trump Jokes from 2016 to 2023.

The fact of the matter is that the man practically writes his own memes about himself, and we cannot get enough of it!

The Best Donal Trump Jokes
Some of the best jokes are just plain old text jokes. We have gathered for you the 100 most hilarious Trump Jokes. Here is an example:
Trump & Obama
During the 2016 presidential transition, Obama gives a tour of the White House to Donald Trump. He shares with him “There is an exceptional butler to serve you. At the end of the day, to help me unwind, he always brought me a little glass of Jack Daniels on the rocks”. Donald Trump, condescending, says “Jack Daniels? that’s cheap. If I drink that and Melania can smell it, she will think I’ve been to the wh*rehouse.” Puzzled, Obama thinks for a second, and respond “Hmm… I guess Michelle has never been to a wh*rehouse and wouldn’t know what it smells like.”