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101 Most Upvoted Deez Nuts Jokes [All-Time Leaderboard]

Updated in January 2023 with new jokes!

On this page, you will find the 101 most upvoted Deez Nuts jokes, as well as a selection of the best “Deez Nuts” jokes from Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, all in one place. You can also check out our latest 2024 Deez Nuts jokes.

Let’s have a quick look at some really funny Deez Nuts memes… because you want to see pictures of Deez Nuts, right?

The Funniest Deez Nuts Memes

If you like your Deez Nuts jokes in the form of memes, check out our selection of the funniest Deez Nuts memes below. When she asks what is for breakfast today, you can grab 2 eggs and say:

eggs for breakfast - deez nuts meme

There is always room for a bit of romance:

play with these deez nuts joke
deez nuts meme with ice age squirrels

Click here to view 30 More Hilarious Deez Nuts Memes or keep scrolling to view our all-time best Deez Nut JOKES.

After the leaderboard, make sure you also check out our selection of the best “Deez nuts” jokes from Instagram, YouTube and TikTok – all combined here on this page for your laughing pleasure!

The Most Upvoted Deez Nuts Jokes (All-Time Leaderboard) 😂😍

Help make this list even better – upvote your favorite jokes.

  • 273
    3 years agoReviewed
    Friend A: How do you pronounce amoood spelled Backwards?   Friend B: euhhh.... doooma? Friend A: doo-ma balls fit in ya mouth?  😂 
  • 258
    3 years agoReviewed
    Friend A: I can't believe that Sophia speaks Ligondese.  Friend B: Ligondese?  Friend A: Yes, Lig-on-dese Nuts!
  • 255
    Do you know Howard Dee?
    3 years agoReviewed
    Friend A: do you know Howard Dee?  Friend B: nope.  Friend C: How-ar Deez Nuts?
  • 252
    Do you know Justin?
    3 years agoReviewed
    Friend A: do you know Justin?  Friend B: Justin Bieber?  Friend A: Justin Time for Deez Nuts! 
  • 243
    Do you like pudding?
    3 years agoReviewed
    Friend A: Do you like pudding?  Friend B: Sure.  Friend C: Well how about pudding deez nuts in your mouth.
  • 243
    2 years agoReviewed
  • 241
    Do you like tulips?
    3 years agoReviewed
    Friend A: Do you like tulips?  Friend B: Sure, why?  Friend A: Because you are going to love your 'two lips' on Deez Nuts!
  • 230
    Do you like Wendy's?
    3 years agoReviewed
    Friend A: Do you like to eat Wendys?  Friend B: Yes why?  Friend A: Because you are going to love "Wen-dys nuts" hit you in the face. 
  • 228
    You look like Phil
    3 years agoReviewed
    Friend A: Has anyone told you that you look exactly like Phil?  Friend B: Who is Phil?  Friend C: Feel deez nuts! 
  • 225
    3 years agoReviewed
    Friend A: How do cowboys say "howdy"? Friend B: I don't know... Friend A: Howdy-s Nuts Taste? 
  • 225
    Afeela is a real new Honda car name
    2 years agoReviewed
    We didn't make this up. Afeela is the real new name of the Sony / Honda electric car. Great, that's one more joke for our leaderboard.
  • 224
    I think you need some of these
    3 years agoReviewed
    Friend A: Hey, I think you need some of these.  Friend B: Some of these what?  Friend A: Some of Deez Nuts. 
  • 220
    3 years agoReviewed
    Friend A: Knock, knock.  Friend B: Who's there?  Friend A: Candice. Friend B: Candice who? Friend A: Can-dice nuts fit in your mouth? 
  • 215
    3 years agoReviewed
    Friend A: You have UCD right?  Friend B: What's UCD?  Friend A: UC-Deez Nuts!
  • 211
    Hard to talk
    3 years agoReviewed
    Friend A: It's hard to talk about it these days.  Friend B: Talk about what?  Friend A: Deez Nuts in your mouth.
  • 207
    My girlfriend got diagnosed
    3 years agoReviewed
    Friend A: My girlfriend Jenny got diagnosed with DN. Friend B: Oh, man, sorry. What's DN? Friend A: 😈 😈  
  • 205
    They've stayed together for 30 years!
    3 years agoReviewed
    Friend A: I can’t believe they have stayed together for more than 30 years!  Friend B: Who?  Friend A: Deez nuts! 
  • 204
    Did Kenya text you?
    3 years agoReviewed
    Friend A: Did Kenya text you?  Friend B: Who’s Kenya?  Friend A: Ken-ya fit deez nuts in your mouth?
  • 199
    Something Came in the Mail Today
    3 years agoReviewed
    Friend A: Something came in the mail today for you. Friend B: What? Friend A: Deez Nuts!  (Got 'eeem!)
  • 199
    3 years agoReviewed
    Do you have vaseline?  Vase-LEAN in and Kiss Deez Nuts! 
  • 198
    Name the first three letters of the Alphabet?
    3 years agoReviewed
    Friend A: Name the first three letters of the Alphabet.  Friend B: A, B, C.  Friend A: D....eez Nuts!      
  • 198
    Movie sounds
    3 years agoReviewed
    Friend A: do you know what they use in movies to imitate the sound of galloping horses?  Friend A: No, I don't know.  Friend A: Deez Nuts!
  • 196
    With envelopes and stamps
    2 years agoReviewed
    Friend A (holding a lot of envelopes and stamps): hey can you help me for a minute and lick that? Friend B: lick what? Friend A: lick deez nuts!
  • 192
    Gone Girl movie
    3 years agoReviewed
    Friend A: Have you seen the movie "Girl Gone" Friend B: No. Friend A: No? probably because your Girl Gone on DN!
  • 191
    Are you having both of these?
    3 years agoReviewed
    Friend A: Are you having both of these?  Friend B: Both of these what?  Friend A: Both of Deeze Nuts!
  • 185
    What is for breakfast?
    3 years agoReviewed
    Friend A (Cooking breakfast).  Friend B: What is for breakfast today?  Friend B:  (Showing two eggs) Deez Nuts!
  • 183
    I want to go to the SEKON convention
    3 years agoReviewed
    Friend A: I would like to go to the SEKON convention.  Friend B: What’s SEKON?  Friend A: SEKON Deez Nuts!
  • 182
    Do you smell something?
    2 years agoReviewed
    Friend A: Hey do you smell something? Friend B: hmm no Friend A (looking puzzled): you can't smell deez nuts?
  • 179
    3 years agoReviewed
    Teacher: On this homework, you got a D grade.  Student: Well I am also going to be giving you D's.  Teacher: What do you mean?  Student: Deez nuts. 
  • 172
    Can't control it
    3 years agoReviewed
    Friend A: Sorry, I can't control it.  Friend B: Control what?  Friend A: Control how big Deez Nuts are!
  • 172
    We need to soak these
    3 years agoReviewed
    Friend A: We need to soak these.  Friend B: Soak what?  Friend A: Soak Deez Nuts!
  • 170
    Sakan never called back.
    3 years agoReviewed
    Friend A: I’m sorry that SAKON never called you back.  Friend B: Who is SAKON?  Friend A: SAK-ON Deez Nuts! 
  • 170
    3 years agoReviewed
    Friend A: Knock, knock.  Friend B: Who is there?  Friend A: Eaton.  Friend B: Eaton who?  Friend A: Eat-on Deez Nuts.  
  • 169
    Do you like parodies?
    3 years agoReviewed
    Friend A: Do you like parodies?  Friend B: Yes, kind of.  Me: Well, how about a Pair-o-Deez Nuts?  
  • 165
    Why is C afraid of D?
    2 years agoReviewed
    Because D's Nuts!
  • 164
    3 years agoReviewed
    Friend A: Hey, are you leaving this?  Friend B: Leaving what?  Friend C: Leaving Deez Nuts in your mouth!
  • 163
    Imagine Dragons
    2 years agoReviewed
    Friend A: Do you like Imagine Dragons? Friend B: It's not bad. Friend A: Well, imagine draggon Deez Nuts all over your face.
  • 160
    Do y​ou wanna play with these?
    3 years agoReviewed
    Friend A: Do y​ou wanna play with these? Friend B: Play with what? Friend A: Play with Deez Nuts
  • 159
    Hey, I'm moving
    3 years agoReviewed
    Friend A: Hey, I'm moving.   Friend B: You are moving?   Friend A: Yeah, Moving Deez Nuts In Your Mouth!
  • 158
    3 years agoReviewed
    Friend A: Who is Barbie's boyfriend?  Friend B: Ken  Friend A: Ken you fit deez nuts in your mouth??
  • 153
    Do you know Landon?
    3 years agoReviewed
    Friend A: Do you know Landon?  Friend B: Landon? No....  Friend A: Trip, fall and Land-on Deez Nuts! 
  • 144
    What does "Lb" stand for?
    3 years agoReviewed
    Friend A: what does "Lb" stand for?  Friend B: Pound Friend A: Pound on Deez Nuts!
  • 144
    Nuts getting bad ratings
    2 years agoReviewed
    Friend A: Do you know which nuts got bad ratings? Friend B: hmm? Friend A: Deez nuts
  • 136
    Plural of parody
    3 years agoReviewed
    Friend A: What's the plural of the word "parody" Friend B: parodies Friend A: Pairodeez nuts!
  • 135
    3 years agoReviewed
    Friend A: Did you hear about my friend Willya? Friend B: hmm no Frienc A: Willya suck Deez Nuts...
  • 130
    3 years agoReviewed
    Friend A: I am going to be a goblin for halloween.  Friend B: A goblin? Friend A: GOBLIN DEEZ NUTS
  • 128
    Dee asked me out yesterday
    3 years agoReviewed
    Friend A: Dee asked me out yesterday.  Friend B: who’s Dee?  Friend A: Dee'z Nuts! 
  • 126
    Get em'
    3 years agoReviewed
    Friend A: Go get em' tiger.  Friend B: Get Who?  Friend A: DEEZ NUTZ
  • 122
    The best Slo-bunnies songs
    2 years agoReviewed
    Friend A: Have you ever listened to the Slo-bunnies? Friend B: Slo-bunnies? Friend A: Yes, Slo-bunnies nuts (Slob On Deez Nuts)  
  • 121
    My back hurts
    2 years agoReviewed
  • 118
    Lee Gandhi
    2 years agoReviewed
    Friend A: Have you heard of Lee Gandhi? Friend B: Lee Gandhi? Friend A: Yes, LeeG on dhi's Nuts (Lick on Deez Nuts)  
  • 116
    Do you want to see... bofa?
    2 years agoReviewed
    Friend A: Do you want to see bofa? Friend B: What’s bofa? Friend A: Bofa deez nuts!
  • 112
    3 years agoReviewed
    Name an asian country China Are you China (tryna) fit deez nuts in your mouth?
  • 108
    What does Woodyou mean?
    2 years agoReviewed
    What does Woodyou mean in Chinese? Woodyou mind licking deez nuts?!
  • 103
    2 years agoReviewed
    Friend A: ok, really quick... what's 4x2? Friend B: 8 Friend: would you like to 8 deez nuts?
  • 41
    What's this?
    2 years agoReviewed
    Friend A: What is this? Friend B: What? I don't know. Friend A: Theeez Nuts
Push your idea0/2000

Keep scrolling for more hilarious Deez Nuts jokes!

Let’s have a quick look at the Deez Nuts joke that started it all:

How The “Deez Nuts” Jokes Started – 1 Million Likes on YouTube!

What came in the mail? This video went viral like crazy with more than 1 MILLION likes and 45 millions of views. You just can’t be any happier than the “Deez Nuts Guy” after delivering his Deez Nuts joke (with his dad!!).

Most “Deez Nuts jokes” these days originated from this call made by Welvin Harris, back in 2014. Welvin called his father asking if “something came in the mail today?”. When his dad asked “What?”, he replies “Deez Nuts” and then bursts out laughing like crazy (“Got’eeeeemmmm!”).

Deez Nuts Jokes with Couples 😂😂

Deez Nuts Surprise Jokes, Delivered… with Your Girlfriend [Quick Video]: A new “Deez Nuts” challenge circulated on Instagram, catching girlfriends by surprise.

The challenge was to play a romantic-sounding song (“will your mouth remember the taste of…“) with the music suddenly switching to “Deez Nuts – ah! got ’em”. Watch the hilarious surprise look on the girlfriend’s face:

Other Deez Nuts jokes and memes with couples:

deez nuts are not going to do it themselves meme
taking another picture meme
deez nuts pics is a new low

If you love Deez Nuts, you will also love our Top 100 Dirty Jokes for Her: make your girlfriend laugh (and put her in a good mood!)

Deez Nuts Tiktok Challenges 😂😂👌

Even better, check out this fun compilation of the same challenge, this time on Tiktok. The reactions are definitely worth a watch. Sometimes amused, sometimes clueless and… often shocked.

If you like this page, you will also love 130 best dirty jokes. Keep scrolling for the best Deez Nuts jokes by Dr. Chewon (Chew on deez nuts!)

The Best “Deez Nuts” Jokes (Video by Dr Chewon)🔥😂

Who is the best at delivering Deez Nuts jokes? Dr Chewon, of course. Learn from the master:

30 Deez Nuts Memes for More Laughs ❤️ (Or Keep Scrolling)

If you like Deez Nuts jokes, you will love these 30 EXCLUSIVE Deez Nuts memes.

funniest deez nuts jokes and memes

He Did It! What’s Your Name? Dees

This is not the most imaginative Deez Nuts jokes, but the delivery in this tiktok video is awesome. Check out the smile on this gentleman’s face when the older man asks “Dees what, sir?”. Well worth watching.


Who remembers this ? 😂 ##jokes ##memes ##deeznutsjokes ##fypシ ##foryou

♬ original sound – ImOhmarr

If you like this page, you will also love these kinky memes that will make you laugh.

Squirrel-Inspired Deez Nuts Jokes

It is well know that squirrels love a few nuts, so it’s not a surprise to see so many good “Deez Nuts” memes also featuring squirrels. Here are our favorites:

cute squirrel on a bench with a woman - deez nuts meme
two words for you

The eternally romantic squirrel and his nuts:

romantic squirrels (not)

This photo below is almost as old as the internet, but is perfect for a Deez Nuts meme:

old meme with squirrels
stun seed spelled backwards meme

More Deez Nuts Jokes on Social

In response to a funny question to find a new name for this interesting cat… “Deez Nuts” is a great name for this cat, of course.

You may have forgotten how the elections really turned out in 2016:

tv screenshot with results

This one is an easy Deez Nut joke to pull on anyone… what is the sound of galloping horses?

1975 comedy with galloping horse sounds

be patient… and follow… this sentence:

follow the story with words

Who doesn’t love a political joke? this one will work for both parties, proving that Deez Nuts jokes can unify people in laughter:

trump writing on mexican wall

And what is a perfectly appropriate response to an embarring interview question? You guessed it:

job interview response

Wal-Mart let this one slip by with a hilarious display:

grinch salty nuts

For Star Wars fans. Sometimes, simple is better:

what is so heavy meme with s. park character

This one below might be a bit gross, even for dog lovers.

Do you know what’s soooo comfortable and relaxing? Deez big nuts of course!

A special meme from our own Dr Chewon:

dr chewon meme 1

View more deez nuts memes.

Deez Nuts on TV

How do you deliver a Deez Nuts joke on TV? Watch the “People’s Court” getting hit by Deez Nuts (TMZ segment).

Final Words of Wisdom

We need to finish this page in style. To end on a good note, an inspiring message from former US president John F Kennedy:

John F Kennedy meme

If you like this page, you will also love these kinky memes that will make you laugh.

Continue to View The Funniest Deez Nuts Memes

What Happened to the Deez Nuts Guy?

deez nuts guy header image

You’ve probably already seen the Deez Nuts Guy in the short youtube video released in 2015 that made him very famous. His real name is “Welven Harris”, nicknamed ” Welven Da Great”.

Following his short 50-second video that went viral, the “Deez nuts guy” became an internet sensation and was invited on several TV and radio shows.

Check out the story of the Deez Nuts guy.

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collage of chuck norris jokes

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Tuesday 17th of May 2022

Have you ever seen DaBaby? Who? You can sit on DAdeez nuts!


Wednesday 30th of March 2022

Friend A: Fugma Friend B: What? Friend A: FUGMA BALLS
