I’m a master To-Do List-er. Every day is better with a to do list.
So every weekend I’ve, of course, got a to do list of what I need to get done before work on Monday. And every weekend, there are three chores on the top of my list that need to get done. Everything else on the list is not quite as vital because if I don’t get these three things done, my week will be all kerbobbled (that’s a real word – I promise).
If you’ve never gotten these three chores done on the weekend, I recommend you try it. Your week will be SO much less stressful and more relaxing with these things taken care of.
3 Chores To Do Every Weekend For A Better Week
Meal Planning & Grocery Shopping
I like to be home. It’s probably my favorite place to be. Being able to work from home would be amazing. After being at work for eight hours, all I want to do is go home and hang out with my fella and my puppy. The very last thing I want to do is go grocery shopping. Ugh.
Every weekend, this is one of my chores.
So, I’ll start by making our grocery list along with a list of what meals those groceries can make. Then I usually go to two different stores to get what we need.
The shopping only takes me about an hour because I try to go fairly early in the morning before it’s busy. If I did this after work, it would take a lot longer and be so much more frustrating because of how busy the stores are.
UPDATE: I’ve got a really great meal planning video series that I think you’ll love! You’ll learn about super simple meal planning, saving money on food, and common meal planning mistakes (plus how you can avoid them!). Click below to get started!
Getting all of our laundry done on the weekend really isn’t too time consuming, and it’s one less thing to worry about during the week.
It’s easy to get dressed for work when everything has been cleaned and I don’t have to search all over the house for my favorite purple top.
I have a bit of a system for this:
- Get everything through the washer and dryer in one day.
- Set a timer so that the loads can be switched right when they’re done.
- Wash the sheets in one of the first loads so that they’ll for sure be ready to put back on the bed in time for bedtime (just in case something happens so that you can’t do it all in one day).
- Collect all of the clean clothes in one area.
- Once all of the loads are done, watch a show on Netflix and fold everything. Yay, folding party!
- Put it away immediately, or all of the nicely folded laundry piles will get messed up by someone digging through them. Grrr.
The time it takes to do all of this is so minimal.
Switching the loads only takes a few minutes, and then folding it all at the end usually only takes a few episodes of Parks & Rec, which I was going to watch anyway.
I’ve recently figured out that the timer is really essential to keeping the whole system moving. If you forget about a load for a few hours, it throws everything off.
Read this entire post about exactly how I get our laundry done in one day.
Clean The Kitchen
This is a Sunday evening chore. Yeah, we try to keep the kitchen clean-ish all weekend. But the kitchen must be clean before bed on Sunday night, because there is no way I’m going to want to come home to a sink bursting with dirty dishes on Monday. (beyondbeaute.com) Nope. Nope. Nope.
When the kitchen is clean, the whole house feels clean, but if the kitchen is dirty, the whole rest of the house could be spotless and I wouldn’t notice (anyone else feel like this?).
So before bed I just make sure of two things:
- Dishes are clean / in the dishwasher
- Counter tops have been wiped off
So just imagine you’ve done all of these chores over the weekend…
You wake up Monday morning and can easily pick out your outfit from all of your clean clothes. You walk into your sparkling kitchen and know that you have something good to eat for breakfast waiting in the pantry. In fact, you know that you have all of the food you need for meals for the entire week! Plus, after work each night, all you need to worry about is cleaning up the dishes from that day’s meals.
Yes, there are lots of other chores you could add to the list, and my to do list for the weekend usually has a few other things on it. But I’ve found that these three chores are essential for a calmer, more peaceful week.
I absolutely recommend you give it a try and see how much better your week feels.
⇒Do you have specific chores that you try to get done on a certain day each week?
Top Image Background From Vecteezy.com
This post is linked up to Frugal Friday

Thursday 19th of May 2016
Meal planning is an absolute weekend must! If it doesn't happen during the week, the whole week is a hot mess. Great tips!
Thursday 19th of May 2016
I totally agree KJ! Thanks!
Laura Kathleen
Thursday 14th of April 2016
I'm in a weird place right now where I'm traveling for work so I don't really have "chores" over the weekend except laundry, but I always love when I do that so I have clean clothes during the week! When I'm back working at home I'll have to make sure I keep grocery shopping on weekends too!
Laura | Laura Aime Vous
Friday 15th of April 2016
Traveling definitely makes getting chores done a bit tricky. Clean laundry is a must though! I don't travel much, but when I do I like to clean before I leave so I can come home to clean-ish house.
Thursday 14th of April 2016
I am such a terrible meal planner. I totally need to start doing it so I won't be stressed about what we're going to eat during the week. Thanks for sharing!
Thursday 14th of April 2016
It definitely keeps us from going out to eat as much when I know we have food to eat :)
Katie @ Adulting Daily
Thursday 14th of April 2016
I do the same chores on the weekend--makes the week go by so much faster! I also typically vacuum and take out the recycling on weekends.
Thursday 14th of April 2016
I'd love to add vacuuming to my weekend chores, but I hate it so much and never feel like it :) Haha!
Tuesday 16th of February 2016
I do a lot of the same. I do "quick clean ups" every night (wipe down counters, pick up anything out of place) but more strategic cleaning on the weekends as you mentioned. Laundry is my nemesis. I hate it lol even with netflix.
Tuesday 16th of February 2016
Laundry can definitely get overwhelming! I need to get better at doing a quick clean up before bed on weeknights. It's nice to wake up to a picked up house!