light fuse and get away!
What do you call an exploding Duck? A Fire-Quacker!
What do you call an exploding Duck? A Fire-Quacker!
What has wings, feathers and fangs? Count Duckula!
Do you think that teenage ducks make human faces when posing for pics?
What steals your soap in the bathtub? A robber ducky!
My Grandpappy always said, “If it walks like a Duck, and talks like a Duck, it’s probably a man in a duck suit” Grandpappy sure liked his Moonshine!
What has 8 sets of eyes, two enormous bills with fangs, 12 pairs of webbed feet with claws, and quacks like a Duck? I don’t know either I just found …
Why do Ducks have tail feathers? To cover their butt quacks!
What goes “Quick Quick”? A Duck with hiccups!