Ashley Robins
The cow jumped over the moon?
A Pole, English, and French guy are running away from the German soldiers when they come up to a forest and they decide to hide by each climbing a tree. …
It’s DUCK season!
Two Polish hunters were walking along One said to the other, “How come we aren’t catching any ducks? his friend thought about it then said, “Maybe we aren’t throwing the …
They sure know how to build them!
How do you sink a Polish battleship? Put it in the water!
How many Poles does it take to screw in a lightbulb? Five-one to hold the bulb and four to turn the chair
Did you hear about the Polish firing squad? They stand in a circle
Couldn’t find the right boots either!
Leon the Pole had to sell his water-skis He couldn’t find a lake with a hill in it.
Careful what you say!
Three prisoners, an American, a German, and a Pole, are scheduled to be executed by firing squad. They bring out the American and stand him in front of the pole. …
Statistics don’t lie!
A Polish couple decided to only have four children because they heard that one out of five babies is born Chinese.
Quiet Please
Tragedy at the Polish National Library Someone stole the book.