My new habits for a healthy active lifestyle started with the following realization:
I want an active lifestyle to be a habit. I want healthy and active habits to be part of my life and who I am.
I don’t want to go on a hardcore diet a couple of times per year once i’ve realized that I have gained a little bit of weight. Gaining weight and going on a diet do not make me happy. But an active lifestyle does make me happy (and fit!). And I believe that activity shouldn’t just be a thing we do at the gym once in a while, but it should be part of life.

To me, an active lifestyle means staying active but not being extreme. I could make room in my schedule for a long session at the gym for a few weeks, but to be honest, it’s not practical to keep that up for my entire life.
It’s Good to Hear: Staying Active Comes with Awesome Benefits
An active lifestyle can boost your energy, melt stress, help with weight loss and increase your confidence. It’s scientifically proven – check out our page on the awesome benefits of an active lifestyle. It will motivate you to stay active and do more fitness training.

8 Tips for Living a More Active Lifestyle
The great thing about working towards an active lifestyle is that you don’t have to beat yourself up over a rough week where you didn’t exercise as much. This isn’t a sprint, it’s a marathon. You’re not trying to lose 50 lbs in 10 weeks, you’re trying to change your habits. Read my 8 tips for living a more active lifestyle.
Home Workout Equipment Made a Big Difference for Me
For me, it also all started with having my favorite home workout equiment. I guess I’m not such a big fan of going to the gym and paying for a membership to do intense hour-long workout sessions! I do enjoy it once in a while, but can’t sustain the habit somehow.
While there have been times when I had a gym membership, which I thoroughly used and enjoyed, I have been working out at home for 3+ years now. Check out what I have learned about getting affordable home working equipment to help you stay active at home:

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Everyone Needs a Bit of Motivation… Here is How to Motivate Yourself to Stay Active
Have you ever notice that it’s usually when you don’t feel like working out that you actually need it the most?
I almost never feel like exercising when I’m in a bad mood or have low energy. I know it will make me feel happier if I just start. So I’ve learned tricks that help me get going…. these tricks give me just the right energy to get active again when it’s the last thing I want to do. Read all about how to motivate yourself to workout when you really don’t feel like it.
What if You Only Want to Be Moderatively Active?
If you are like me & don’t fit in the category of “marathoners” or “fitness addicts”, then you have come to the right place for advice on staying moderately active 😊. Small fitness victories definitely count!
Read our tips for staying moderately (or slightly) active!

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You Will Love These Related Posts:
- 7 Simple Ways to Stay Active to Improve Your Mood & Increase Happiness
- The 5 Easiest Habits to Keep a Physically Active Lifestyle … and Stay Fit.
- 6 Awesome Benefits of an Active Lifestyle (Energy, Sex, Weight Loss & Other)
- 11 Tips for Living a More Active Lifestyle
View my other blog posts on keeping an active lifestyle:
How to Find Time to Exercise – The (mostly) Simple Life
Simple Things I Did to Lose 15 Pounds – The (mostly) Simple Life
13 Ways to Exercise in the Winter – The (mostly) Simple Life
How to Motivate Yourself to Workout – The (mostly) Simple Life